About Us

New York Metropolitan Clergy for Better Choices was founded in October 2010. This network of pastors and church leaders throughout the New York Metropolitan area agree that when the abortion ratio reaches nearly 60% in some communities, we, as community leaders, need to examine the choices we are making as we educate our young people.
We are not only concerned with the choices that individual women and couples make when faced with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We are concerned with the choices that we, as members of communities of faith, make about what we teach our young people, what values we instill, what principles we defend. When our young women and men find themselves so often faced with what they see as a choice between the life of an unborn child and their vision of the possibilities for their own lives, we realize that we are failing both in how we teach our young people to envision their futures and in what we are teaching young men and women about family, responsibility and the value of human life.
We realize that we must teach responsibility, self-control, patience, wisdom, love for neighbor and respect for all human life. We must choose to make sure all members of our communities value marriage, family, chastity and life.
We must choose to encourage all of our people, young and old, to make better choices for our communities and for our city.